Welcome to Langley Fire Apparatus Museum 


Our web hosting company WEBSECURESTORES.com disappeared last month, no notice, just went off line. We have been working at trying to recover our web pages since then. We have to completely reconstruct our website through programming which will take time. We are happy that we can at least start again, hope you enjoy our latest video and front page.

You can contact us anytime at B.Beard@shaw.ca.
We look forward to giving you back our web site.

Vintage Fire Trucks Collection
Global TV report on Brian's restored 1929 Bickle Pumper

The Langley Fire Apparatus Museum began in the mid 1970's when Brian Beard aquired his first piece of fire department history from a Vancouver city auction 3 Gamewell watch tables and 5 Gamewell alarm boxes this was the beginnig of his vision for a collection that has grown to one of the finest in Western Canada. Brian had a great love of the fire service from a very early age, probably a fire buff at the age of 6 he followed his home town Edmonton Fire Department while growing up and in 1986 co-authored The History Of The Edmonton Fire Department .He served with the Fort St.John B.C. Volunteer Fire Department after leaving Edmonton and finally moving to Langley B.C. to work for H.A.Simons Consulting Engineers in the mid 1970's where he ened his 35 year career as Vice President of Project and Construction Management.

While on assigment in Ottawa, Ontario fellow SPAAMFFA member Walt McCall called him and said you know the fire truck you have always wanted well it is sitting in the back of an old fire station in St. Hubert Quebec, that was the beginnig of the apparatus collection.

Brians's first piece of apparatus became  the 1948 Bickle-Seagrave Aerial Ladder that served Toronto Ontario,followed by St. Hubert Quebec where after a year of barganing and with the help of the Fire Chief  he drove it out of the fire station to its temporary home in Ottawa.Ontario, finally arriving in Langley B.C. in the summer of 1985